Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Debut

Greetings to all you travelers of the internet this is the maiden voyage of my new blog "The Challenge Flag." I have had this blog for almost two years but have never posted anything to it until now. This blog could go in plenty of different directions the main direction I hope is up. So far I'm not sure what this blog is going to be, I hope it is a place where we can all discuss (argue) sports.
What did you just say about Tebow?!
First things first I'm looking for writers who are interested in sports and would be willing to write rather regularly for this. I'm looking for people who can cover with accuracy NFL, NBA, MLB and possibly NHL.
What about MLS?
I personally will not be doing any soccer posts because I'm not a big fan. However, if there is someone out there reading this that feels they have a great opinion on the subject they are welcome to give it a shot. This is not going to be a place to get your sports updates from, rather to hear opinions on current topics inside sports. If you are interested in being a full time contributor to this blog, email me or write a comment down below. I'm hoping this works out we'll see what happens once this gets rolling. We'll start kicking out the posts here soon and see if we can get some views and interaction going on. Roll Tide.

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